Broken Bone in Need: UPDATE

The boy, Pasang has been operated. His family raised the first 4,000 rupees for the operation, a large enough deposit for the hospital to actually do the operation. I raised 4,000 rupees here in Nepal from people I know and the last 5,000 I raised in Holland through family and friends who have been most generous.

So thanks to all your help. This boy has been saved from becoming a crippled beggar for the rest of his life and the family no longer has to spend years in debt because of a simple but costly fall of a playing boy!

I have never felt so good to be able to help out. With so little such a dramatic difference was achieved in people’s life. I am beginning to get a glimpse of how Teo Baba must have felt. He dedicated most of his life to helping people in need in Nepal
(PS: Teo Baba was a Swiss guy whose story I am following at the moment, click on his name to see more information about him).

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