Letting go of Last Ashes

Stills from video:
Letting go of last ashes, Titahi Bay, New Zealand 13/8/06

Letting go of last ashes
Taken by wind
Given to the waves
Of what we loved together
Bubble, our dog
As we were
Without growth we could not be
We let go
To catch the wind
To ride the waves
Before love died
Before we died
Without rebirth
There is only death
Out of love
New life is born
Life is born!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tranen toen ik dit las: hier staat de as van mijn schoonmoeder en deze uitstrooien gaat gauw gebeuren. Niet teruggeven aan de golven maar aan haar grootste liefde, haar man. Oud leven, nieuw leven, het leven voorbij.