The Pied Piper

I love movement
Movement of life
I am not meant to stand still really

But neither do I wander
For the sake of wandering
I am aware
Watch for signs
Like the Pied Piper that appeared
Not just any Pied Piper
Oh, no!!!!
One with a trumpet
As you may know
I just love trumpets
So I am off...

Off with the faeries
Ha ha ha!
I haven't lost the plot
In fact...
I may have just found a treasure

I continue living a life
On the move
To the forest of the Pied Piper

The unknown
The endless changes
Wear me out
The faithless doubts
Scare the hell out of me

Oh go on, call me insane!

But then...
I can't possibly
Stay put for put's sake
What would that achieve?
I therefor surrender
To the music of the Pied Piper
I dance
Ever deeper
Into the blur of life

And then...
To my surprise
Or maybe not anymore
With joyful clarity
I regain my vision
Bliss and calm
With my heart and soul

Oh Pied Piper, you are just gorgeous!

1 comment:

Marcel Baaijens said...

Nee dit is niet kabouter Plop, had ik nog nooit van gehoord! Dit is de rattenvanger van Hamelen, liep toevallig in Maastricht rond, was de weg kwijt, ik niet ik weet waar ik heen ga!