Broken Bridge

Summer is waiting
No time to waste
Broken bridge
Broken Bridge
Ahhhhh, surrender!


Annie said...

This broken bridge is an interesting metaphor, isn't it.

It also looks like it's in flight, don't you think?

Marcel Baaijens said...

It is, whats interesting with images/art that we all project different meanings onto the same thing. I find that fascinating. This video still looks quite menacing, but I also experienced it as a beautiful site. I played around with the camera for quite some time there.

Looking at this image in relation to my current state of frustration about not having control over when I can start to travel, due to processes beyond my control that need completion first, I could view the situation differently. It is no longer an abstacle, but an opportunity to be in the moment and look for the positives.

Today was a frustrating day again, like many of last week dealing with stifeling bureaucracy. Last week left me very depressed, but today, not at all despite having to deal with similar set backs as last week. Its all depends on how I view any given situation.

I now have the image of the bridge to remind me of different choices I have at any time in any situation. The bridge could indeed be in flight, and so could I, even while having an obstacle in front of me. A much nicer metafor than the broken one. Thanks Annie.