And so this is Christmas…
Christmas 2006, a lonely Christmas Sturovo/Parkany on the Slovak Hungarian border.
And so this is Christmas…. And what have you done?
Another year over…
Yes that time of year again, the silly season…
Different this time
World a mess, well that’s not really news is it
And what about you?
Did you live well?
What would you do different?
What can you do differently?
Maybe you need to adapt to world changes that affect you.
There is no better time than a time of crises to make changes
I recon
Time for opportunities for change and growth
Lessons to be learned
Not necessarily easy ones
Possibly profound ones
Unexpected ones
Prickly ones
Lessons nevertheless
Christmas 2007, Varanasi, India had a home cooked Italian Christmas lunch, yes in India, why not?
I am
So you won’t be alone
Unemployed (not bored at all may I ad)
Homeless, yet with a roof over my head
So not too bad at all for now
Hopefully with just enough money left
To build a small house
On a small bit of land
A debt free security I created 3 years ago
If worst comes to worse I can always camp there
But won’t come to that
I should be able to build some sort of shelter:
Healthy, homely, sustainable
Ahhhh, sustainable
No longer Looking for growth, expansions, extensions
Nope, no longer interested in playing those games.
Stopped those games a long time ago
Governments still want us to spend our selves into debt
So money keeps ticking over, till…
We’re back to square one
Not that a bad square at all
The place of rebirth
Can be a good place
I am there right now and it feels good
Surprisingly good actually
I have my moments of doubt
Fear of the unknown
As one book title reads: “Feel the fear and do it anyway”.
Christmas 2008, back in New Zealand with the most beautiful Christmas tree I know, the native Pohutukawa tree, which brings us bright crimson flowers at Christmas time. I have got two in my garden.
So enjoy Christmas
This one night of peace, well…
Reminder of peace at least
That is what gets me the most at midnight
When Silent Night is sung…
We just did it in New Zealand and like a wave at the speed of sun
It will travel the Christian world
Some choose to tune in
Others choose to ignore
The choice is ours
Every day
Every night
Every time we encounter a fight
So peace I wish you all
From the bottom of my heart.